Sunday, 3 February 2013

inside outside inside

the show is in the car park, you see?  
out the window, down there…
…on the wall

it is, or was, on the roof, just over there, out of the window, over there, you see?

and then, in here, in the space, tyres, and stuff, stuff and shit from out there, from down there, see?

where all these tyres come from, down there…


out of the window, on the window, in the window, through the window…


two-way spillover


  1. Sorry Im late I've been up top . you asked for a pic. i got some pics. pics of pix of movs and bricks
    no, no bricks
    but cars and tyres , paper cut outs and sticky glass tape pieces

    Ad n Peas of

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  4. thts like - tell me something about our childhood.


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